Example of Calling a Web Service based on wsdl through PHP
There are two ways to call Web Service with PHP :
i) Calling Web Service with SOAP Client in PHP:
PHP comes up with an in built class that is SOAP Client. You can use this like below code
You just need to create an object of SOAP Client Class and it requires a wsdl URL as an arguement.
Below code snippet gives better explanation
<?php $client = new SoapClient("http://site.info/index.php?/wpws/?wsdl"); echo "<pre />"; print_r($client->getPosts(101)); echo "</pre>"; ?>
This calling is based on wsdl file. Here getPost is a method that is created on remote server that is being consumed by all clients.
ii) We have external library available here(http://sourceforge.net/projects/nusoap/).
<?php // Use the NuSOAP php library require_once('lib/nusoap.php'); // Set parameters $userName = 'usertest'; $password = 'testing'; // Build SOAP message. The objective of below code is to pass username and password into header into webservice for Login. Then it calls the testLogin $body = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"> <soap:Header> <UserInfo xmlns="http://yournameserverurl"> <UserName>'.$userName.'</UserName> <Password>'.$password.'</Password> </UserInfo> </soap:Header> <soap:Body> <testLogin xmlns="http://yournameserverurl" /> </soap:Body> </soap:Envelope>'; // Set up web service path and SOAP action variable $serverpath = "http://yourserverpath"; $soapaction = "http://abc.com/testLogin"; // Create new SOAP client object instance $client = new nusoap_client($serverpath); $results = $client->send($body, $soapaction,''); // Display output echo "<h2>Request</h2>"; echo "<pre>" . htmlspecialchars($client->request,ENT_QUOTES) . "</pre>"; echo "<h2>Response</h2>"; echo "<pre>" . htmlspecialchars($client->response, ENT_QUOTES) . "</pre>"; // Dispose SOAP client unset($client); ?>
Chandra Shekhar
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