Author: Chandra Shekhar

About: CS Pandey

Bio: Chandra Shekhar Pandey is Google certified Cloud engineer, I am Magento2 Trained developer. Having huge experience in designing cloud solution. I have around 12 years of experience with world enterprise IT companies and fortune 500 clients. During my architecture design I am always caring about high availability, fast performance and resilient system. From the programmer background I have huge experience in LAMP stack as well. Throughout my carrier I have worked on Retail, E-Learning, Video Conferencing and social media domain. The motive of creating cutehits was just to share the knowledge/solutions I get to know during my day to day life so that if possible I can help someone for same problems/solutions. is a really a very effort for sharing knowledge to rest of the world. For any query/suggestion about same you can contact me on below details:- Email: shekharmca2005 at Phone: +91-9560201363

Posts by CS Pandey:


Handling OOPS with Javascript with examples

Today we are going to learn about OOPs (Object Oriented Programming). But before going forward in advance concept of javascript, Lets understand why javascript is getting popular day by day. Below are some of...


Node Js tutorial for beginners

What is Node js Node.js is basically a Javascript based language that inherit all the properties of javascript including all advance OOPs concept. Its an open source, cross platform and run time environment for...


Magento Full Page Caching Tutorial

In todays tutorial we will learn about Magento Full Page Caching. By reading this article you will be able to know following things: What is Full Page Caching Advantage of Full Page Caching Disadvantage...


Magento2 new features

More Compatible with Popular Platforms like PHP 5. Using smart features of Zend caching, translation and translation Jquery Library is totally replaced by prototype library Due to Zends performance feature magento 2 is 20%...


Consuming Web Service with PHP SoapClient

What is SOAPclient : To consume web service using PHP is possible through‘ target=’_blank’>SoapClient object. PHP 5.0 or more version comes with built in Soapclient class. That provides a client for SOAP 1.1...