Category: Magento 1.X


How magmi engine works altogether

Now we will understand high level introduction of each directory. Cli : Under this directory there is a single file magmi.cli.php file. This is basically for command line script for product import. Conf :...


Magento Installation Issue on xampp

Reason for Installation Issue on xampp server: You might have latest version of PHP available through xampp server and you are trying to install older version of Magento. On which some of the PHP...


What is Setup Resources in Magento

What is Setup Resources in Magento? Setup Resources are a part of your magento extension that will get executed as soon as your extension will get installed. To understand it better we can take...

Amazon-m2EPro 0

Important Settings and Configurations for Amazon M2E Pro

M2E Pro Amazon Pre-Requisite In this tutorial we will get some information regarding “How to sell you products on Amazon through M2E Pro” Pre-Requisite for M2E Pro Amazon Integration: i)                 Pro Merchant Seller account...


Introduction to Magmi (Magento Mass Importer)

What is Magmi Magmi is a powerful tool that is developed for Importing products from other source/platform to Magento in very efficient and fast manner. Its not a magento extension but it’s a database...


How Magento load all modules

app\code\core\Mage\Core\Model\config.php you can see init function You can see loadModules() function of same file to see which all modules gets loaded on this page.This  function call _loadDeclaredModules () . Under _loadDeclaredModules function you can...