Category: Magento 1.X


Describe Magento codepools

What is Magento codePool: Magento is a well structured E-Commerce software system. Which follows a good architecture that not only gives best features for their users but a good way to organize magento modules...


Allow backorder in Magento

How to allow customers to purchase any quantity of product from Magento site . I mean how to enable product for sale even if the product is not available on Magento inventory. For example...


Steps to create coupon in magento

Step 1. Login to admin section Step 2. Go to “Promotion tab” coming under main menus Step 3. Click on “Shopping Cart Price Rule” from their menu options Step 4. You will see a...


Import new product images to magento

In the admin section System >> Import/Export >> Dataflow-profiles From this click on “export all products“ Click on “Run Profile”   This will save all products in csv under “Var/Export” directory Now modify this...