Easiest way to Re Run Magento Module setup
As a developer we guys needs to create custom modules as per our project requirement.To do this we can use ModuleCreator extenstion of magento.
Let we have already created and installed a custom module with our project and after some time due to any change in flow if we need to make a new field in our modules database table then the easiest way is to modify your modules setup file which is available at
here we will simply modify the sql query into the install file . Now we have to re-run magento setup for this module so that we can get our database table updated.
To Re-Run magento setup we will follow the easiest way
Step 1: Delete your module table (take backup if you have some data in it)
Step 2: Delete your modules entry from core_resource table
Step 3: Now refresh the browser with the URL that will call this module.As soon as you refresh the browser magento will automatically create the new database table and a new entry in core_resource table.
Now enjoy….

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