how to change admin password from database in magento

If you forget your admin password you want to reset  magento admin password through PhpMyAdmin .

Now you simply need to know what is suffix your magento password is using . Just see the current encrypted password by
SELECT * FROM admin_user;
suppose your password value is “e53f3a2b9372babb593ed61c119c5ee1:El” then your suffix is El (i.e., last two character after  🙂
Suppose new password that you want to change is “magentoadmin” then sumply run following command
UPDATE admin_user SET password =CONCAT(MD5(‘Eladmin123′),’:El’) WHERE username = ‘admin’;
Your admin password has got changed now enjoy.

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Chandra Shekhar

GCP Architect
Chandra Shekhar Pandey is Google certified Cloud engineer, I am Magento2 Trained developer. Having huge experience in designing cloud solution. I have around 12 years of experience with world enterprise IT companies and fortune 500 clients. During my architecture design I am always caring about high availability, fast performance and resilient system. From the programmer background I have huge experience in LAMP stack as well. Throughout my carrier I have worked on Retail, E-Learning, Video Conferencing and social media domain. The motive of creating cutehits was just to share the knowledge/solutions I get to know during my day to day life so that if possible I can help someone for same problems/solutions. is a really a very effort for sharing knowledge to rest of the world. For any query/suggestion about same you can contact me on below details:- Email: shekharmca2005 at Phone: +91-9560201363

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